Glen Milne


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Past Projects

DFAIT Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities Retreat (1995)
Glen designed and facilitated this retreat which enabled some difficult issues in senior officials' mandates, competition, and collaboration to be successfully raised and discussed in the light of a new sense of overall corporate team responsibilities.

Facilitating the development of the 'Canada Position' for FPRO/PCO (1990-91)
Workshops were held with FPRO, PCO and PMO staff to jump-start the development of the federal governments position in that constitutional round. Glen also developed scenarios for how the constitutional negotiations might play out over the following five years to serve as a backdrop for policy thinking by senior officials.

NABST Proposal for a Human Resource Strategy (1989)
This project included synthesizing the work of the national HR sub-committee into a proposal to the Prime Minister. A key ingredient was the design of a model for a more intelligent Canadian economy and the systemic HR innovations to achieve that.

Senior Vice President for TV of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (1988-89)
This was a short-term assignment to develop a vision and business plan for the private television industry in Canada and a complementary role with public broadcasters.

Policy Initiatives for the Department of Communications (1980-1988)
Over this period Glen worked with DOC ADMs and their senior officials to facilitate ideas and synthesize the logic and presentations for approximately a dozen policy initiatives in areas such telecommunications, broadcasting, cultural and design industries. A highlight in this series was the design and presentation of a new Broadcast Act.

Environmental ethics for professions (1986)
This strategic thinking project was funded by the Canadian Association for Adult Education. Considerations included Glen's former experience as a registered professional (architect), serving as a volunteer strategic planner for Energy Probe and Pollution Probe, conversations with academic colleagues, discussions with individuals in the six legislated professions, and inputs from neighbouring groups seeking the same legislated mandates. The study outcome was the observation that society has implicitly entered into a contract with the legislated professions as follows. The professions receive a monopoly and protection under the criminal code in return for three fundamental services: advancement and application of the state of the art; advancement of their clients’ interests before their own; and definition and advancement of the public interest in their area of practice. Indications of the failure to deliver on the professions’ side of that contract –particularly the third service – include governments imposing their own regulations. The study results were shared with heads of national professional groups and resulted in at least two of the six adopting that framework within a few months.

Program Overview for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (1985-87)
This comprehensive overview included a written and 7'x14' wall-map status report and outlook for every DFO program and the areas of responsibility of those programs such as the coastal and inland fisheries, boundary and inland waters, international treaties, state of S&T, etc. It enabled the departmental executive committee to propose and manage strategic initiatives with the aid of a more comprehensive and visual overview of its mandate.

National Economic Development Framework for MSED (1980)
This project involved working with ADMs and senior staff to design an economic development investment outlook and policy framework for all sectors of the economy (including HQP) aimed at moving beyond the stabilization approach taken by the lead financial agencies of the day to a proactive and sustainable economic development framework.

Consultant to the Priorities & Planning Committee of PCO (1971-75)
Responsibilities included developing; proposals to Cabinet for demographic and urban objectives, the first concept for multi-cultural policy, Prime Minister Trudeau’s 1972 election campaign themes, the Cabinet priorities system, designing and managing the government-wide 1973 Cabinet Priorities exercise, designing new institutions of government, and providing briefings to the PM on housing, urban affairs, immigration, demographic policy, regional development, federal lands, and environment.

Executive Director of Federal Urban Assistance Task Force (1970-71)
This project evaluated CMHC's Urban Renewal program and developed urban policy proposals for community development, housing rehabilitation, neighbourhood improvement and municipal assistance. Glen recruited and led a team of 30 contract staff, negotiated with stakeholders across Canada as well as senior MSUA and CMHC staff. Spin-offs and follow-up impacts from this project included the Federal Land use Policy, Neighbourhood Improvement Program, Residential Rehabilitation Program, Municipal Assistance Program, and the federal community development programs of the 1970s such as LEAP.

© 2009 Glen Milne | T: 613.562.4333 |